

108 Uppsatser om Resident permit - Sida 1 av 8

Jämförelse mellan gamla PBL och nya PBL : Med fokus på bygglovets överklagande och möjlighet att vinna laga kraft

This thesis provides a comparison of the old Planning and Building act (PBA) from 1987 with the new PBA, which entered into force in May 2011. The essay consists of a descriptive part that presents the regulation of both laws. The new PBA consists of several differences compared to previous regulation. This thesis will, however, primarily be centred around the regulation regarding building permit appeals and the possibility of building permit, to gain legal force.In the old PBL, there were no regulations that result in a building permit decision could be made effective. Instead, a building permit could, long after the decision had been made, be over-challenged.

Högt hus i Chongqing/Kina - ett bostadsprojekt

This is a project showing a proposal on how a high-rise building gains qualities similar to middle rise houses of 7-9 stories. The closed, isolated and often anonymous life in the high building opens up through gardens. The resident meet the outdoor environment on the balcony, or has direct access to a garden.Instead of moving in a closed core, the resident will meet the climate and outdoor conditions as soon as he or she leaves the apartment.The project consists of two parts, where the first is presenting a building proposal, the second is expanding the knowledge through background research. The topics are history concerning the skyscraper and the skyscraper globally, closing up with the situation in China..

ST-läkares identitetsarbete: En studie av läkare under specialiseringstjänstgöring

The results from 13 interviews and one opinion poll answered by resident physicians were interpreted as stories about identity as primary material for this thesis. The resident physicians stress the importance of considering whether their work primarily concerns curing people from diseases or if the process of working with sick people also includes how to handle the pressure of work, either by adapting to it or changing it, and the search for balance between work and private life. Residents separate themselves from older physicians by saying that younger physicians accentuate empathy to a greater extent while older physicians emphasise a high work load. Identity seems to effect how the residents perceive and relate to their work, themselves as residents and different types of patients..

Medborgarskap och immigration ? En kartläggning över utvecklingen i Tyskland och Frankrike sedan 1992

Citizenship and immigration policy are controversial aspects of the European integration project. Fourteen years ago Roger Brubaker stated that the vital differences between German and French citizenship policy were unthinkable to harmonise. This paper therefore seeks to investigate whether the old image of the two countries are accurate. By evaluating citizenship and immigration policies in today's context with the increasing influence of European Union policy I here present a more correct picture of the situation in both countries. Partly to see how the harmonisation has come this far.

Brukarinflytande - en oklar självklarhet : om brukarinflytande i särskilt boende inom äldreomsorgens kommunala verksamhet

This paper is a qualitative study on the influence of the residents in a special communitydwelling within the care system for elderly. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyse with a user perspective how particularly staff members but also a group of retired people living in this dwelling interpret and articulate the concept of resident influence. How the retirees can influence the design and the content of the activities and the organization. How today the residents influence is carried out with the ideas and visions of the future.My methods include qualitative structured, semi-structured and non-structured interviews within a general frame of a resident questionnaire. The staff members present the current situation and reflect on the reasons for obstacles for resident influence.The group of retired people who lives in structures originating in the Swedish long-term care system and homes for the elderly tends to adjust to given routines and express a low-voiced wish for increased influence.

Det dubbla uppdraget: relationen mellan INGO och staten i Vietnam

Due to the political system in Vietnam, all organizations in Vietnam need a permit to operate in the country and consequently, have to balance their mission, their main purpose of being in the country, with the fact that they are dependant on the government to give them the permit they need to stay in the country.With this as our basis, the main focus of this essay has been to identify different types of relations that exist between the Vietnamese state and International Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs) in Vietnam. Since we have interviewed people representing INGOs, our result is based on their experience of this relationship. By using Najam's Four-C's Model, we established that the more traditional INGOs which principally provide services, predominantly have a cooperative relationship with the state, whereas radical INGOs which are committed to policy change, mostly have a relationship which is characterised by conflict..

Bevarandevärt i domstolsprövning ? plan- och bygglagens egentliga skydd ur bebyggelseantikvarisk synvinkel

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:20.

Mötet med det svenska samhället : En kvalitativ studie med fem unga vuxna som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande asylsökande barn

The aim of this study was to reach an understanding of how young adults with permanent residence permit, who came to Sweden as unaccompanied asylum seeking minors, experience their confrontation with the Swedish society. Another purpose was to understand how these young adults view Sweden and its inhabitants, as well as the experience of starting a new life in Sweden. In order to investigate these questions, a qualitative method consisting of five interviews with five young men was conducted.The results showed that the respondents feared the meeting with the immigration board and that they feel that school is divided in two groups, Swedes and immigrants. People with nonethnic Swedish background who have lived in Sweden for a long time are seen as Swedes, and in that meaning assimilated. One important conclusion we made was that the division between Swedes and immigrants have a negative influence on the immigrants´ integration in the society.

Regeln som splittrar - Om barnfamiljer och regeln om uppehållstillstånd före inresa utifrån internationella konventioner och svensk policy

Swedish migration law states that a person who wants to seek a residence permit based on family ties has to apply from the home country. This essay applies to cases when families that live in Sweden have to come apart when one parent has to return to the home country to seek a permit to which he or she is entitled.The rule causes families unnecessary suffering. This essay analyzes the reasons behind the rule and argues that it is compatible neither with Swedish policy of children's rights and gender equality nor with the international conventions that have been ratified.Furthermore, it is investigated whether the migration authorities act in compli-ance with the intentions behind the law. It is concluded that the Migration Board, despite their own critique of the rule, makes an unnecessarily restrictive interpre-tation. This results in a situation where no one takes responsibility for the conse-quences for the affected families.

Överklagande och dess roll inom bostadsbyggandet : En granskning av plan- och bygglovsprocessen

The aim of this diploma work was to obtain a review of the appeal process in Sweden under the Planning and Building Act and the possibilities of appeal in the planning and building permit process. The work was intended to identify potential problems surrounding the appeal process and possible efficiency measures. The goal was to form a report that provides a satisfactory overview of the appeal process in theory and practical application as well as provide relevant concrete proposals on how the appeal process can be streamlined.Background and facts surrounding the work were taken from different types of literature and through several interviews with representatives in government, industry and politicians.The main problems related to the appeal process are in the long processing times and the high number of appeals. There is a great interest to streamline the appeals process and the government is going to launch studies in which possible future actions will be investigated.It is possible to appeal for up to two instances before you need a so called ?leave to appeal? in order for your complaint to be passed on to the next instance.

Effektivisering av bygglovsprocessen. En kundundersökning i Göteborg

Bygglovsprocessen är en vital del i den totala byggprocessen eftersom ett bygglov är nödvändigt i nästan alla fall av nybyggnation och större renoveringar. I dagens samhälle där byggprocessen är under utveckling och allt större tidspress finns så är bygglovsprocessen ofta en flaskhals innan bygget kan påbörjas. Därför behöver bygglovsprocessen utvecklas för att bli effektivare.Syftet med denna undersökning att utreda vad tidigare kunder hos Stadsbyggnadskontoret (SBK) Göteborg anser om bygglovshanteringen. Utifrån de resultat som erhålls presenteras vilka delar i bygglovsprocessen som kan förbättras och effektiviseras. Dessutom ges förslag på förändringar för att uppnå detta.Kundundersökningen genomfördes med en enkät som skickades ut via e-post till kunder som fått godkänt bygglov i februari 2014.

Traumahantering hos nyanlända flyktingbarn i skolan : Ett krispedagogiskt perspektiv

To this date there are 14 major armed conflicts, four of which are defined as war. Every day several people come to Sweden as asylum  seekers and refugees looking for a residence permit in Sweden. This paper is about the children who receive a residence permit in Sweden and attend Swedish schools. Many of these children have experienced trauma ? damage to the psyche after a traumatic experience.From two qualitative interviews of a principal and a counselor at a school in Järfälla municipality, and three teachers at the same school, I studied what trauma management at this school looks like.

Dubbel bosättning : Bostadens betydelse vid flytt från Sverige

The Swedish tax on income for persons who are unlimited liable to tax is based on his domicile and double taxation treaties between Sweden and other countries are based on his residence. In order to determine a person?s tax liability, the dwelling or home is of vital importance to determine where a person has his domicile and residence.For a person who has moved from Sweden, to be unlimited tax liable here, there must be an essential link. This link can be through previous residence in Sweden, the person is not a permanent residence in a foreign country, in possession of housing for year-around-use or in possession of house property.Sweden has concluded double tax agreements with other countries for the reason to prevent double taxation on the same income. When a taxpayer may be regarded as a resident in two states, the situation must be resolved to avoid that double taxation will arise.

Gotlands landsbygd och invånarnas framtidstro : En studie av människors känsla för bygden med sikte på planering

This essay examines resident experiences and notions of the Gotland countryside and their ideas about the future. In particular the countryside is studied as both space and place. In space and place people interacting. People are therefore important components in the study of the landscape. One can say that the landscape and the interaction between people affect resident experiences and notions of the countryside, as well as people certainly affect the landscape.

Hur olika skogsägarkategorier har försett sig med underlag för beslut och åtgärder efter stormen Gudrun : en jämförelse av medlemmar och icke-medlemmar, åbor och utbor samt kvinnor och män

During the 8th and 9th of January 2005 a devastating storm named Gudrun entered the south of Sweden and a big part of the forest owners got their forests damaged. The study objective was to investigate on which basis and how the affected forest owners made their managment decisions immediately after the storm and if there are any differences between different categories of forest owners. - Members ? non members in a forest owner association (FOA) - Resident owners ? non resident owners - Female and male forest owner The study is based on a questionnaire survey with the purpose to examine the most important counsellor and information channels of the forest owners. A total of 450 forest owners participated in the survey. Results show that all categories of forest owners prefer professional counselling rather than personal counselling.

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